Pendaftaran CPNS dan PPPK 2023 Ditutup, Peserta Persiapkan Diri Hadapi Seleksi Kompetensi

Sabtu 21-10-2023,20:39 WIB
Reporter : Dicky Pratama
Editor : Hendika

4. Bahasa Inggris

Soal 1: What is the opposite of "happy"?

A. Sad

B. Angry

C. Excited

D. Tired


Soal 2: Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.

"I ______ going to the store."

A. Am

B. Is

C. Are

D. Be


5. Pengetahuan Kepemerintahan

Soal 1: Siapakah Menteri Keuangan Indonesia saat ini?

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